This is actually my tattoo. It is the ever popular Coexist image. This image, at face value stands for all religions coming together on this big ole blue-green marble. For me it's a little deeper though. To me it stands for many people from VERY different backgrounds. I got it when I first realized how much my husband (then just my roommate) really meant to me. He has two children from previous relationships and it just came to me: No matter how much these other two women may irk me or hurt me, we all have to get along for the sake of these kids. And if I'm not willing to do that then I need to let him go.
Needless to say I've worked on accepting and dealing with these women (at times they try their hardest to negatively effect my life) and I married my hubby this year. :) It hasn't been easy all the time but when I look at my arm I'm reminded to strive for cohesion.
Post title : Existing Together
URL post : https://tattoo35.blogspot.com/2009/10/existing-together.html
URL post : https://tattoo35.blogspot.com/2009/10/existing-together.html
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