


Just some randomness that i see through the glass eye.
Picture sharing, what a treat!!


Black Sun


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This simple, yet very cool, tattoo comes from the Flickrstream of Dreamattack and is licensed under Creative Commons.

This is the more typical Black Sun which consists of multiple swastikas.

The Black Sun symbol is one of the many historical symbols from Germanic folklore that was appropriated and perverted by the Nazis. Unfortunately, it is now also gaining in popularity among Neo-Nazis as a replacement for the much more easily recognizable swastika. That said, the Black Sun rightfully holds importance for the kinder, peace-loving variety of German, or other Nordic, neopagans and is featured here for this reason. The use of the Black Sun, or Sonnenrad (Sun Wheel), goes back at least as far as the third century and was most commonly worn as an accessory for women's clothing. It is usually interpreted as representative of the sun as it moves through the months of the year, hence the twelve arms in the traditional symbol above.

To learn more about the Black Sun, visit Wikipedia.


Assyrian Ink


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This nifty tattoo comes from the Flickrstream of MyTat_2 and is licensed under Creative Commons.

This tattoo includes several different Mesopotamian images that have been combined to form a unique piece of art. The wings are a fairly well-known image, often associated with Ahura Mazda as in the image below.

The star in the middle is usually representative of the planet Venus and, thusly, the Akkadian goddess Ishtar, and her Sumerian counterpart Inanna, who was closely associated with the planet.

It's always nice when I manage to find tattoos of Mesopotamian subject matter. To be clear, the term Mesopotamia covers a wide range of cultures that existed between or around the Tigris and Euphrates rivers in what is now Iraq, parts of Iran, Turkey and Syria. It includes the Sumerian, Assyrian, Babylonian, Akkadian and Uruk cultures. The mighty Persian Empire was/is closely related to Mesopotamia through conquest. While the aforementioned nations are all linked by geography and - to some extent - religion and style they are by no means identical. Even the cultures of Babylon and Sumer, which had their cores in the same exact spot, are unique. And all are fascinating and loaded with beautiful images of their gods and goddesses. Unfortunately, there isn't a lot of this imagery to be found on skin. To that end, if you manage to find any that's licensed by Creative Commons I'd love to have a link!


Flowers and Spirals


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This tattoo comes from the Flickstream of Calea99 and is licensed under Creative Commons.

Just some flowers and spirals to brighten your day. I always like nice tattoos of flowers, or any plant life for that matter, but I'm a total sucker for spirals. Enjoy.


NIX Toronto Convention 200NINA


hows this funny pic! thanks blakey

dude was hurting so bad , he was chewing the tonge depressors and making
hash browns!, like a beaver...lol and screaming in terror! but loved the tattoo.
good job swype

Corys new shop, Good point...grand opening

Mr Blake Brand
Mr Orly Locoyao
Mr Swyper oner


Big D's Skin City Tattoos



Wild Back Piece


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This amazing back piece comes from the Flickstream of Wolf94114 and is licensed by Creative Commons.

This back piece was created by artist London Bellman of Atomic Art Tattoo Studio of Portland, Oregon.

I'm lovin' the moons and the owl for obvious reasons. I imagine the human-like figure is based on some badass original art; if anyone knows the origins of the image I'd appreciate a heads up. At any rate, a very nice and extremely unique back piece.

Happy solstice folks!

P.S. For some background about this tattoo be sure to check out the comments!

Green Man Neck Ink


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This tattoo was created by artist Trevor Collis of Iron Age Studios in St. Louis.

Here's another Green Man, this one offered up by reader David. I don't think I've seen a Green Man with such an expressive face. Pretty cool, eh? David had this to say about his Green Man:

Green man is very important to me because in all my Pagan and Druid studies, things come back to him in one way or another, no matter what he is called the outcome is the same. Many cultures through out history have recognized him, no matter the name.
Thanks to David for sharing his tattoo with us here at NeoPagan Ink!


Nice Green Man Back Piece: Update


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This nifty tattoo comes from the Flickrstream of cp_odd and is licensed under Creative Commons. No artist information provided.

This tattoo is based on original art that I've seen elsewhere on the web at least a hundred times. But, of course, now that I'm want it for the sake of comparison I can't find it. At any rate, a very nice Green Man to bless your day.

Update: Fabulous reader Niklaus has informed me that this Green Man is from the wonderful fantasy artist Brian Froud!

Nothing matters, except the mission.


Chris Burnett.

Smiley Happy Pinup


Chris Burnett chanelling the Joker, perhaps. Previously featured here.

Channelling Jime


Derek Zielinski's Jime Litwalk inspired piece.


Plane Gash (sorry)


And finally for today, a wicked rib-piece done by realistic king Cecil Porter.

Not Ugly Bettie


Bettie Page, as rendered by Pinup master Steve Soto



Fabrizio Divari

Perky Plumage


Classic old school, wonderfully crisp, from a new tattooist to the blog, Shakey Pete. You can also find an excellent owl he did on Owl Tattoos.


Mother Nature


A classic Sean Herman piece.

It's a mystery. Broken into a jigsaw puzzle. Wrapped in a conundrum. Hidden in a Chinese box.


Superb reader submission here from John. This Riddler was done by Dan Craft.

Hooty Wainthropp Investigates


Tutti Serra. So crisp!



Beth sent the above owls in, done by Trevor Muzik at Olde Town Tattoo in St.Cloud MN. These are great, be sure to submit the completed version!

Another reader submission above, from Rich.

Also, Matt sent in a much better pic showcasing his tattoo, featured here.

Something In My Rocket


New from blog favourite Tony Ciavarro.


Family Zodiac Ink


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This pretty tattoo comes from Teresa who found NeoPagan Ink through Confessions of a Pagan Soccer Mom. Here's what Teresa has to say about it:
This Tattoo (my first of what I am sure will be many) was designed by my then 15 year old son, who plans to be a tattoo artist when he is older. (woohoo! only a couple years til I get free tats! lol)it was done by a shop in Spruce Grove, Alberta about and year and a half ago when my then 17 year old son got his first tattoo for his birthday. great bonding experience for us both:) I am a gemini as is my only brother and the one in the top, cancer, is for my husband. along the bottom, the signs are for my 4 children from oldest to youngest - sagittarius, aquarius, taurus, and gemini- then my mother and father, -virgo and leo- it is purple because that is my favorite color and now I am always wearing purple! it is designed to look like an old stone monument because my family is 'set in stone' and always a part of me!
Thanks to Teresa for sharing her tattoo!

Triple Moons Sunset


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This tattoo was created by Randy Fox at Panama Fox Tattoo in Panama City, Florida.

This lovely and unique tattoo comes from Lea Anne and the importance of this tattoo is inspirational, to say the least. Here's what she had to say:
I got this tat a few weeks after I got out of the hospital. I had been suffering from undiagnosed depression for years, and I'd finally broken completely and tried to commit suicide. Fortunately or no, I survived the suicide attempt, but I was in a coma for about a week. I felt like the Goddess took my life in her mouth, chewed me up, and spit me back out--alive. She obviously did not feel that it was time for me to die, despite my best efforts. I got the tat to remind me to live, not just exist. The sunset in the center is to remind me that there is beauty in the world every day, and I should not just notice it, but take part in it.
Thanks to Lea Anne for sharing her gorgeous and meaningful tattoo!


Misfts Skull


Haha, I love this one. It gets a post all to itself.


Pentacle and Moon


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Here's a very pretty tattoo from the Flickrstream of Dmaelus; it is licensed under Creative Commons.

This pentacle tattoo with the moon and clouds in the background makes me kinda think I might get a similar tattoo one day. All of the elements but fire are represented here, with the moon and clouds representing water. The clouds are also representative of air and the pentacle itself is made of wood, so that takes care of earth. And while I think all of the elements should be honored I too would consider excluding an image symbolic of fire within a similar tattoo. Being a watery person all around I have a healthy respect for fire, and all its associations, as well as a great fear of it.

Batfan Tattoo Update


Chris sent in the next step in his Batman sleeve, above. Previously featured here.

Check Out My Post

To be honest, most of the tattoos uploaded to Check Out My Ink are, to put it mildly, shit. But I had a look through the pinup category and picked out a selection of the best....

I'm a huge fan of the second pic, wonder who that's by?