

This very cool Bacchus comes from romana klee's Flickrstream. It is based on a 16th century woodcut by Jost Amman. I know I've seen the original somewhere before and I can tell you this is a very accurate rendering. Unfortunately, even after a half hour of searching, I was unable to find an image of said woodcut to offer up for comparison. So, you'll just have to take my word for it that it's very well done.

Anyway, 16 March is the beginning of a two-day festival honoring this Greek deity (Roman Dionysus) of wine, youth and general wildness that promoted a good grape harvest. So, for you wine drinkers out there be sure to raise a glass for Bacchus and the grape growers of the world.
Post title : Bacchus
URL post : https://tattoo35.blogspot.com/2009/03/bacchus.html


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