These pretty flowers come from Sabrina from Goddess a Day, which is a really cool site. She is the eleventh person to submit her art and had this to say about the meaning behind the various images:
The flower piece on my ankle is a rework of a single poppy; it was my first tattoo (at age 30!) and needed an update before 40, which is coming up all too quickly. The poppies are for me (my birthday is 11/11); the tiger lily symbolizes
the courage to pursue my dreams that I get from my husband; the daisy is
for my son, with its ladybug for luck; the holly leaves and berries are
for my daughter (a Yule baby); and the spiderwebs are for me (since I make
my living writing and creating on the Web).
Sabrina has submitted other tattoos so we'll be seeing more of her in the days ahead. Thanks so much to Sabrina for sharing her art!
Post title : Flowered Ankle
URL post : https://tattoo35.blogspot.com/2008/09/flowered-ankle.html
URL post : https://tattoo35.blogspot.com/2008/09/flowered-ankle.html
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