The broom and moon is on my lower back; it's a reminder to me that I always have the means to fly and no one can take that from me.
Thanks to Sabrina for sharing her broom and moon!
The broom and moon is on my lower back; it's a reminder to me that I always have the means to fly and no one can take that from me.
The flower piece on my ankle is a rework of a single poppy; it was my first tattoo (at age 30!) and needed an update before 40, which is coming up all too quickly. The poppies are for me (my birthday is 11/11); the tiger lily symbolizes
the courage to pursue my dreams that I get from my husband; the daisy is
for my son, with its ladybug for luck; the holly leaves and berries are
for my daughter (a Yule baby); and the spiderwebs are for me (since I make
my living writing and creating on the Web).
I have had it since 2003. I had thought about a tattoo for many years, and finally came up with the idea for the design. I am quite drawn to the moon and its symbolism. Therefore, the triple moon symbol (birth/life/death or maiden/mother/crone) is what I chose as the basis of the design. The artist who did the tattoo took my idea and made it his own design incorporating flowers.
This summer, on vacation to see my mom and brothers, I was checking out my brother's tattoos and asked him who did them. He looked at me like a kid in a candy store when I said I was considering getting one. (My first, and until then, my last, I had gotten ten years ago lol) He was on the phone in a flash to his artist, who normally takes appointments a month in advance. He got me in the next day! I was so psyched, and so was my big brother, who was dying to see his baby sister get inked. So long story short, the design I settled on was very similar to the necklace my husband gave me for my last birthday, a floral pentagram. The necklace is wreathed in tiny, intricate flowers, but for the tattoo, we decided on thorns, and a fairly open design that will allow for additions if I decide to expand it.
I got it around St Patrick's Day of this year. So far, it is just as beautiful as the day I got it. I have very pale skin, though--I think that's part of the reason it's visible at all.
As I'm pagan/Wiccan for almost 12 years, and I thought it would be good to have this symbol of my spiritual path in my skin for as long as I live. It was made about three years ago, though. It took me a long time to find something that I enjoyed enough to have forever. Originally this one was a piece of jewelry, a silver pendant. I love it!
A number of teenagers have become infected after getting tattoos at a house party.
Several under-18s visited their doctor with signs of infection after illegally being tattooed at the event in Llanelli, Carmarthenshire.
The National Public Health Service for Wales (NPHS) said it was unclear if safe practices were followed and warned of the dangers of under-age tattooing.
But now a herd of Germans are stampeding to get them removed as they and other tattoos go out of fashion.
“The number of laser removals for tattoos has almost doubled in the last five years,” Heinz Bull, president of Germany's GÄCD plastic surgery association, told news agency DPA on Thursday. “Now young people who got tattoos on the spur of the moment want to have them removed.”
But white-ink tattoos have become an overnight success with a host of celebrity followers from supermodel Kate Moss to actress Lindsay Lohan.
The permanent designs are applied with a regular tattoo gun, yet use ink that is thicker and of a higher quality than normal to stand out on the skin.