

Click image(s) to see the larger version(s).

This tattoo comes from the Flickrstream of Ragz1138 and is licensed under Creative Commons.

This tattoo was inked by Ragz Rejected of Katalist Konsepts out of Fort Collins, Colorado. (Also home to the beloved Mez Love whose work has been and will be featured here many times!)

30 September marks the ancient Roman holiday in which Meditrina, goddess of medicines, is given fruit offerings.

The pomegranate, however, is also a key element of the myth of Prosperpine (Roman) or Persephone (Greek) and the ancient explanation of the seasons. Persephone was the daughter of Zeus, chief of the Greek pantheon, and Demeter, goddess of the harvest. The story goes that while she was out gathering flowers in a field Hades, god of the underworld and one of her many admirers, caused the Earth to open up so that he could rise up and grab her. Her mother Demeter was in such distress after she went missing that she neglected her duties. The crops began to fail and the people began to starve. Eventually the other gods interceded and Hades promised to release Persephone but only after giving her a pomegranate. When she ate of the fruit it caused her to be forever tied to the Underworld which meant she had to stay there at least one third of the year. During this time her mother Demeter refused to let any plants grow which created the season of winter.


Blacklight Snake


This one is so awesome looking!


The Kiss by Gustav Klimt


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The tattoo comes from the Flickrstream of Mean Daddy and is licensed under Creative Commons.

The photo of the original art comes from the Flickrstream of Erik Visser and is also licensed under Creative Commons.

I know this isn't really a paganism related image but it's so cool I decided to feature it anyway. This is a tattoo of the famous painting "The Kiss" by Gustav Klimt much loved for its ecstatic and vivid expression of love between the two figures awash in a sea of gold leaf and flowers.


Haida Ink

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This awesome tattoo, of an egg, a raven, a whale and a woman with a labret piercing, comes to us from the Flickrstream of Zach_ManchesterUK and is licensed under Creative Commons. It was designed by Haida artist Freda Diesing.

The Haida were and are American Indians of the northern coast of British Columbia near the border of Alaska. Like many native peoples their use of symbols and mythic figures on masks, totem poles, etc., often denote lineage and status. Unfortunately, much of their myths have been lost to time leaving us with only educated guesses as to the meaning of many of their symbols. We do know that the raven features heavily in Haida mythology and art and serves as their trickster who provides freedom but also threatens chaos.

Big Devon Ink


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These fabulous images come from reader Daniel and were inked by Lisa Schmoldt of Otherside Ink out of Port Charlotte, Florida.

Here's what Daniel had to say about his tattoos:
Green man, Faerie mask of truth and Fae. Markers of the end of my long residence in the UK and a sort of tarot reading of my life at the moment. (What a long story that is that weaves round and round Devon ./ Devan. below is the tale I told the artist....Here's a picture (again) of my last and my first home. It was originally several miners cottages, the earliest dating from the late 1600's. The miners, a mixture of Norse, Yorkshire and Cornish folk were all very superstitious, believed in a host of other-world residents, including fairies, pixies, underground goblins and the Norse beargaust or mountain spirit. I pretty much re-did the house room by room out to the bare stone over the course of 20 years feeling and discovering the work of hands long gone from this earth. Both the children were brought home to that house from the hospital, and was their home for almost their entire life.A village full of friends, job and home. It was an amazing wrench to tear me free from there, driven by my wife of 25 years need to be back in the states, and by her decision that soon she needs to leave me..one of the main reasons for the fairy tattoo...Change, ties to the old country (and a late 1600's garden where the fae could dance on any given night), my reminder to myself to seek beauty and magic in a time where I saw so little of either in my life. The cottage was named Kipling's Cottage, after Rudyard Kipling's grandfather who was a lay preacher in the village. Kipling visited his grandfather there and one of his poems is titled "On Greenhow Hill" (the name of the village) and is about a soldier, telling of the village life to a comrade as they await the appearance of a sniper that has been harassing their company. Kipling's last book was a children's story collection titled "Rewards and Fairies" (I only found the last out after you linked the fae and I for life....) Kipling was English, lived a long time in America, and eventually returned to England to live in Devon...After my long stay in England (in Kipling's Cottage), I've returned to America and you tied me forever to Devan! (the name Lisa gave the Fae as she inked her into me) Since then, the fairy has been joined to the Green Man. He's one with the earth and seasons. He's the male element of nature. Between them lie the mask of truth, chosen by you on a moments whim or inspiration. In that aspect I see myself as the Green man, of the earth, tied to the cycles of work and the world, wandering the earth, I often need to touch stones, old buildings, trees. I put my feet in the oceans wherever I go to feel them on me. When I went to Alice Springs, I risked all manner of parasites and god knows what to drink from the original Alice Spring rising from the sands. Yesterday before coming to see you I went and stood in the Gulf (my first time there) to feel it and take it into me. With the addition of the green man and mask, I'm seeing my wife as the Fae, in her own world, separate from my world, yet she's been my magic, beauty and joy past, and between us the mask of truth that we are now both holding up, trying on and showing each other our masked truths. I don't know what changes these truths will bring, but you placing the mask between us at that time was prophetic, a turn of the tarot cards. Lastly the mask and the green man are both Brian Froud pieces. Brian's home is in ....wait for it..lol Devon. Lastly both my children went to school for their early years at a small Montessori School in an old foresters cottage on the Duke of Devonshires estate in Yorkshire. So many turns and twists that come back to the same things...
Thanks so much to Daniel for sharing his amazing tattoos and great background information with us here at NeoPagan Ink! And here's the aforementioned Kipling's Cottage to finish off this great post. Thanks again Daniel!

P.S. You can see more Brian Froud art in tattoo form here and here.

P.P.S. The fairy is from an Amy Brown piece.



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This tattoo comes from the Flickrstream of Geekygirlnyc and is licensed under Creative Commons. This tattoo is really red cuz it's fresh, but still mighty fine.

SPQR stands for Senatus Populusque Romanus which, roughly translated means "The Senate and the People of Rome". This was a phrase that by most accounts became well known not too long after the founding of the Roman Republic but, of course, lost some of its luster under the monarchy when the Senate and public opinion were subjugated by the Caesars and their successors. It appeared on coins, military standards, monuments and countless speeches and documents.

Curly Autumn Tree


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This tattoo comes from the Flickrstream of MadeMistakes and is licensed under Creative Commons.

This is an original design by the owner and I'm just lovin' it! It's an autumn type of tattoo what with there being no leaves on the tree but the little curled branch is evocative of the fun and playfulness of this time of year as well. And the bird looks to me like a raven and that's all Edgar Allen Poe and that's autumn and Halloween-ish too. Nice.



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This nifty tattoo comes from the Flickrstream of EclecticBlogs and is licensed under Creative Commons.

This tattoo was inked by Tim at Dragon FX out of Alberta, Canada.

This tattoo features a fascinating example of the equally fascinating Inukshuk which are stone monuments of many Arctic peoples, particularly the Inuit. Though they dot the landscape all the way from North America to Greenland their exact purpose is unclear and there are several theories. Some say they are landmarks in a terrain that features no natural distinguishing features in a nearly never ending sea of snow and ice. Other theories suggests that they aided in marking boundaries, as places of food storage or even possibly in herding animals. Whatever their historical uses they have become a recognized symbol of Arctic cultures and have grown so popular as to become the logo for the 2010 Olympics which will be held in Vancouver.




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This tattoo interpretation of the constellation Orion comes from the Flickrstream of Xtrarant and is licensed under Creative Commons.

This gorgeous tattoo was inked by Conan Lea of Voluta Tattoo out of Indianapolos, Indiana.

The photo of the actual Orion constellation comes from here; my Google search tells me it's free to use.

Orion is a popular figure from Greek mythology slain either by the goddess Artemis or the Scorpion that would become the constellation Scorpio. History doesn't provide us much source material concerning Orion but we do know that he was a giant man who served as a hunter and was honored as a hero.


Off on a Journey...

The first week of January, me and the love of my life, are going to take a 3 month trip in Asia, Philippines,
and Australia. I will be back in mid March or so. I will be taking appointments for when i get back.
Time to learn and to grow...time to expand my knowledge of tribal art and to share it with all of you.
Blessings to you . I will keep you posted also when on this trip. So check the blog.
Peace orly.



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This tattoo comes from the Flickrstream of Creativemuffin and is licensed under Creative Commons.

This tattoo was inked by Kelly at Tattoo Zone is Rockaway, New Jersey.

We will first turn to Egypt. As the lotus sinks under the water at night and reemerges when the sun returns it was closely associated with the sun. It was also linked with the idea of rebirth and was thus closely tied to Osirian cult as Osiris ruled over death.

The lotus features more heavily in several Asian religions, especially Buddhism and Hinduism. Many deities are depicted as standing upon lotus flowers; Vishnu, Brahma and the goddesses Lakshmi, Sarasvati and Kubera are among the most closely associated with the lotus. Within the realm of Buddhism it is said that everywhere Gautama Buddha stepped a lotus would spring forth.


Some Tahitian Graff, reppin the tribal...


Watercolor Faery


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It's that time again folks: time for a fairy tattoo! This beautiful faery comes from the Flickrstream of Castorgirl and is licensed under Creative Commons.

This tattoo was inked at Famous Dave's Tattoo Studio in Hamilton, New Zealand by Famous Dave himself.

This tattoo is based on an original work by artist Amy Brown.


Turf San Mateo


Cukui now at TURF...

Turf Shoes

380 1st Ave
San Mateo, CA 94401
(650) 344-3712



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This tattoo image comes from the Flickrstream of Sundown27 and is licensed under Creative Commons.

Spiders are much more noticeable during this time of year for those of us in the northern hemisphere. It seems to be because many are feeding up and so building bigger and better webs between almost almost any two trees/objects that will stand still. Just last night I went to fetch a dog and walked right through a web that was easily 4 feet wide.

Grandmother Spider is a much beloved figure of American Indian lore. She once made a web, laced it with dew and tossed it into the sky to form the stars. It is a wonder and a joy to behold the wonder of spiders. If you have the opportunity I highly recommend you spend some time outside watching a spider build it's web; it's a fascinating way to receive lessons from Grandmother Spider.

Bricking It


Nice lego Batman!



Dave Bryant

Reed to Rights


Superb portrait of Raquel Reed (well, it takes all sorts) by Alex De Pase.

Believe In Your Dreams!


Sound advice from Adrian Gallego.




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This amazing tattoo comes from the Flickrstream of Eylon and is licensed under Creative Commons.

This tattoo was inked at Slave to the Needle out of Seattle, Washington by guest artist Isaac Fainkujen from Phoenix, Arizona.

This tattoo features Garuda who, along with Ganesha the elephant-headed god and Hanuman the monkey god, is one of the principal animals gods of Hinduism. Garuda rules all birds and also displays his mastery over the wind with his amazing speed. He has the head, wings, beak and talons of an eagle and the rest of his body is human. He is a great fighter for good and often eats the evil.


Red Hoot


Finally for today, a reader submission from Amina.



Tattoist submission from David Hale.

Hoot Water Music


Tattooist submission from Kesha, Saint-Peterburg Russia.


Beautiful Phoenix


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This gorgeous photo comes from the Flickrstream of Kurt Elster and is licensed under Creative Commons.

Depending on who you ask the phoenix is of ancient Phoenician or Egyptian origin only later being appropriated by the Greeks. According to lore the phoenix can be multi-colored and live for about 500-1000 years. When the phoenix reaches the end of its life cycle it builds a nest out of myrrh twigs and then burns up. The ashes, of course, are from what the newborn phoenix emerges. For this reason the phoenix has long been identified with eternal life, resurrection and the purifying characteristics of fire.

The myrrh is also significant as the sap, or resin of the myrrh tree, was used in embalming and burned as incense during funerals as well as other sacred rites of pagan as well as Judeo-Christian religions. Myrrh was so highly prized in the ancient world that is was often worth more than its weight in gold.

Bee and Flowers


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This gorgeous tattoo is licensed by Creative Commons and come from the Flickrstream of Onion.

This tattoo was inked by Rev. Matt Ellis.

I know spring flowers aren't right for this time of year in my hemisphere but I just felt like saying a goodbye to flowers before the chill of autumn kicks in.

Brian Froud Fairy


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This tattoo comes from the Flickrstream of Fairyfroggie and is licensed under Creative Commons.

This is one of the Pressed Faeries of the incomparable Brian Froud -- which are just what they say they are.

You can see another Brian Froud tattoo here.