
Winged Stag with Pentacles

This cool tattoo comes from Ileen, another awesome person referred by the equally awesome Jaspenelle. Ileen is the twentieth person to submit art to NeoPagan Ink! Yay! We're out of the teens! Ileen had this to say about her tattoo:
This picture is of my brand new tramp stamp! It's a stag's head (my spirit guide) with raven wings (my spirit name is White Raven), and two pentacles. It took over 2 hours to complete. The pentacles represent balance between the raven (air) and stag (earth) forces of my life. It is my very first tattoo.
The artist's name is Brandon, he works at The Missing Piece in Spokane, WA, and his work is freaking gorgeous!

Thanks to Ileen for submitting her art!

And a VERY special thanks to Jaspenelle for referring so many people to NeoPagan Ink!


If I weren't crazy, I'd be insane!


Tattoo Andy.

Geisha Cutie


CUte li'l geisha girl from Ed Perdomo, whose cartoon-style is just awesome!

Hoot of Africa


Another awesome reader submission, Erica sent in this cute thing done by Ed Perdomo.


Tattooed Witchy-Poo

This gorgeous gal was created by Lisa 'Scarecrow' Ferreira.

Wherever I lay my Hoot



Much Mana fo ma Bradda!


Do your thing ma bradda!

Hoot Surgery


And another tattooist submission, this time from Tucson, Arizona's Ed Slocum.

Hoot In Mouth


Another reader submission, this one from Danny.



Brave cos that one had to hurt....reader submission from Benny.


In The Hoot Seat


Vince Villalvazo

Hoot Off The Presses


Kolleen sent in this wicked owl-tline. Can't wait to see the finished piece!

Hoot Fuss


Becca sent in this nice black & grey piece.


Adult Baby Jesus

Laura sent me this ridiculous and awesome Jesus tattoo. As you guys might know, I am kind of obsessed with Zombie Jesus tattoos. This one isn't Zombie Jesus, it's Adult Baby Jesus. I looked around for similar tattoos and could find NOTHING. This tattoo is in a category of it's own!

Nautical Pentacle

This tattoo comes from Annie, who was referred here by Jaspenelle. Annie is the nineteenth person to submit art to NeoPagan Ink! Yay! Here's what she had to say about her tattoo:
for my first tattoo, i wanted a pentacle, but nautical stars also hold a lot of meaning for me, and i couldn't choose which one i wanted. it took me a short while to realize i could have both. done at Ace Tattoo in Golden Valley, Minnesota on august 11th of '07.

Thanks so much to Annie for submitting her art!

And a triple thanks to Jaspenelle for sending so many cool, tattooed folks over here!!

P.S. The link to the tattoo shop currently goes to a blank page. I've left the link in the hope that perhaps they're just updating their site at the moment.


Mehndi Inspired Back Piece


This beautiful art comes from Inked Inc..


your early morning crap: presidental tattoo

It's a little late to be early morning crap, but I wanted to stick with a theme. Here's a tattoo to commemorate this historic date. A god awful tattoo of our 40th president, Ronald Reagan.

If you have an awful tattoo, feel free to contact alice@vivalavinyl.org and she'll try to get to it.

Fahrenhoot 451


The final reader submission of the day comes from Kim, who was lucky enough to have Uncle Allan do this piece at the Evian Tattoo Show 2008.

The King of Hoots


This owl comes from 'Handsome Al', done by Doc Fell at Mikes Tattoos in Carlisle, UK.



Andi sent in this owltline, done by Kele Idol at Aerochild Tattoos in Birmingham, AL.


Everybody Hoots


Lastly, Ashley sent in this ace black & grey owl, called Vinny, and done at Infinate Art.

In My Hoot There Rings A Melody


DJ Kopp sent this owl in, done by Mikey Sarratt in Arizona.

Pops Hoot Stopped, In Came The Air Drop


A reader submission from the improbably monickered Gray Byrd.

Hoot Shot The Sheriff


Meg McNeil

your early morning crap: frat dolphin

This dolphin is member of a fraternity and obviously is into some major kush here. Wicked tribal, brah. He spends his day in his shitty recliner likely watching Old School with his other dolphin brahs. They all have tribal tattoos and love beer bongs.

This falls under the "it's so ridiculous it's awesome" category. Let's just call the AKH part awful, but the dolphin kinda awesome. I give you, your early morning crap...

If you have an awful tattoo, feel free to contact alice@vivalavinyl.org and she'll try to get to it.


Link to Scarab Ink

Heads up, folks. There's an awesome scarab tattoo just posted over at Jason Clay Dunn's blog. Check it out. And if you've never visited his site before give it a going over; he's a great artist.


Creation of the Universe

This cool tattoo comes from Muse en Lystrala, who is another groovy person referred by Jaspenelle! She is the seventeenth person to submit art to NeoPagan Ink! Yay! She had this to say about her tattoo:
This is a tattoo I designed myself. The black is for the void, the blue for the creation of the universe; the moon is for the goddess, the star for the god. This was inked by Jay at East Coast Tattoo and Piercing (Providence, RI) in December of 2004, and took approximately two and a half hours.

Thanks to Muse en Lystrala for submitting her art!

And another special thanks to Jaspenelle for referring her!


your early morning crap: lion!

Roar... this sucks!

If you have an awful tattoo, feel free to contact alice@vivalavinyl.org and she'll try to get to it.

Cherry Deadly


Happy New Year! To start 2009 off here is an awesome pinup from New-Skool master Leah Moule.

HootOut At The OK Corral


Finally for today's submissions, Joe Glassford sent in his owl, done by artist Robert Ryan from Electric Tattoo, Bradley Beach, NJ.

Hoot Stroke


Leeza sent in this submission, and writes, 'This was done to symbolize me with my memaw who past away. She was really into owls. It was done by "Wicked Ink" in Clearwater,Fl. by an artist named Prix.'

If You Can't Take The Hoot, Get Out Of The Kitchen


Happy New Year! I've been on holiday and had a slew of owl submissions waiting for me in my inbox when i got back, so I'll be posting them in the days to come. This little fella was sent in by Megan, and done by Shane at Classic Tattoo in Las Vegas.


Bad straightedge tattoos volume one: text

I have a confession to make. I secretly love bad straightedge tattoos (maybe because I am straightedge? probably because they are just goofy). I actually secretly love all bad tattoos, that's why I do this blog. But I have a special soft spot in my heart for three x's that are stick-and-poked into someone's ankle. Many people get them, many people regret them later, but they are still awesome. These abominations, however, are not so awesome. Behold: the bad straightedge tattoos, volume one.

Bad font, bad linework, bad coloring, bad placement, just a generally bad idea.

Ditto! Only worse.

Why did he decide to put the text in a pool of water? I don't understand!

And finally- starship troopers straight edge dude. I have to admit this is actually pretty awesome, because I too love science fiction and not drinking. I hope this guy had a sense of humor about what he was doing, because that instantly turns this questionable tattoo into a hilarious and rad one.

If you have any regrettable edge tattoos (or any other kind of regrettable tattoo, for that matter) feel free to email me: alice@vivalavinyl.org.

your early morning crap: wizard!

I know how much Alice just loves wizard tattoos. Here's one to get your day going.

If you have an awful tattoo, feel free to contact alice@vivalavinyl.org and she'll try to get to it.

Amazing Pentagram

This stunningly gorgeous pentagram comes from Lindsey, who was referred by Jaspenelle. She is the sixteenth person to submit art to NeoPagan Ink! Yay!! Lindsey had this to say about her tattoo:
It was done by Matt D. Clemmer in Dayton OH at New Breed Tattoo. It was a 9 hour session with a couple of hour long breaks. Each element has a different time of day represented as well.
Thanks to Lindsey for submitting her beautiful tattoo! And a special thanks to Jaspenelle!


It is never good... the "taz tattoo"

If there is ever a terrible god damn tattoo that people get, it's that piece of garbage "Taz" tattoo. For some reason or another the Warner Bros. Tasmanian devil has become one of the more well known shitstorms of ink pounded into the skin of the willing. I am unsure if it's some need to feel as if the person getting the tattoo is "wild and crazy" or some true love for the actual character. Nonetheless it is almost always an awful tattoo and unfortunately tends to be a "first" choice for a lot of people. All my searching on the internet found so many people saying that their Taz tattoo was their first and how much they loved it. I think it falls under the cheap flash art that on a dare someone finally gets to impress others. Now we look further into the lexicon of tattoo art and discover together this craptastic series of tattoos.

I love how Taz takes on so many different roles and attitudes in these pictures. He is wild, crazy but hard working. Either way, they are all just awful.


who ya gonna call?

Man oh man... I loved the movie too, but why?

sports and tattoos, a terrible mix...

Now I am a die hard Yankees fan and will never deny my devotion to the team. I however have always had an apprehension to getting a team related tattoo not because I dislike the team in some way, but mostly because sports related tattoos are normally god awful. They are almost always poorly executed and have stupid subject matter if it's not a specific logo. Here are some real stinkers I've found on my search around our faithful internet.

Since I mentioned I am a Yankees fan, it's only fair to start with them. I've been to enough games in my day to see some really terrible Yankees related tattoos. This one is just bad all around. Terrible idea, terrible execution and just poorly done. I would hide this from my friends and neighbors who might be fans themselves. I would be ashamed that I disparaged something I liked so much with absolute shit results.

Now it wouldn't be fair to all those Yankees fans like myself to allow our beloved pinstripers to be defaced in such poor ink fashion. So it's time to retaliate against the Boston Red Sox by exposing what is just utter crap. They took the team logo, which is fine, but the, added matching sweet, sweet tribal. Tribal that is color matched to the logo, absolutely brilliant. What is the point of the tribal? To show how you can make something that much more awesome by putting lines around it? I will never understand the obsession with tribal.

Holy Christ, quite possibly the worst logo reproduction I have ever seen. What this person must have done was found the best blind tattoo artist in the New England region of the United States and just described what this logo looked like. Imagine being proud of this enough to take a photo of it to show to people on the internet.

Ok so another combo of total stupid. Let's take a dragon (a wonderful tattoo cliche) and give him a soccer ball. What the hell, who gives a shit what nonsense you put on your skin. The dragon itself is barely recognizable. I mean is the soccer ball in the dragon's mouth?

Tough guy here thought he would show that playing hockey on broken, melted ice was a way to express his devotion to the game. Is the the hockey man wearing a gas mask? I don't blame him, this friggin thing stinks.

You save the best for last. This is the best. A pink bunny playing basketball. See ya next time...