Celtic Arms
Posted by ilusi at 10:29 PM 0 comments
Beetle Ink
Posted by ilusi at 7:29 PM 0 comments
Pazyryk Tattoos
Posted by ilusi at 9:16 PM 0 comments
This is an outline drawing of a fish tattoo from a man of the Pazyryk culture; he was discovered in the 1940s. (A larger image of some of his tattoos can be seen in my new title banner.) The Pazyryk people were nomadic horsemen of the mountains in what is now Siberian Russia who flourished between the sixth and second centuries BCE.

The best preserved tattoos were images of a donkey, a mountain ram, two highly stylized deer with long antlers and an imaginary carnivore on the right arm. Two monsters resembling griffins decorate the chest, and on the left arm are three partially obliterated images which seem to represent two deer and a mountain goat. On the front of the right leg a fish extends from the foot to the knee. A monster crawls over the right foot, and on the inside of the shin is a series of four running rams which touch each other to form a single design.

P.S. Be sure to check out this Hermitage News link for more information about this fascinating culture. And thanks to Luc for the link!!
Blue Dragon
Posted by ilusi at 5:11 PM 0 comments
Betty Broadbent
Posted by ilusi at 12:46 AM 0 comments
These are the bare facts of her life and about all I can find out about her online. I'm surprised and quite disappointed that I can't find any images of her own tattoo art on the internet. She may have been the first female tattoo artist. She was certainly one of the most famous female tattoo artists and I'm very interested in learning about the quality of her work. Considering how famous a figure she was/is it would seem natural for her art to be showcased somewhere but I've come up empty. She must have been tattooing through most of the 60s so there are surely people still alive with her art on their bodies, but I can't seem to find any of it. Perhaps there is a book out there somewhere but if anyone knows of online images of her work I'd love to hear about it.
Fat Aphrodite
Posted by ilusi at 7:26 PM 0 comments
This amazingly beautiful Aphrodite (or Venus) comes from Mister Reusch. As pretty as it is I kinda think the arms look a little odd, especially her right arm. But still, gorgeous. If I ever get the funds I'd love to have a somewhat similar tattoo as Aphrodite is my patron goddess. Note the spirals and triskele, very cool.
X Files Tattoos
Posted by ilusi at 2:13 PM 0 commentsI am the biggest fan of the X-Files EVER and in anticipation of the movie I Want To Believe coming out tonight, I posted about X-Files tattoos on Fun Vampires (my permanent home for bad tattoo postings).
Green Man Outline
Posted by ilusi at 10:38 PM 0 comments
This is a cool Green Man from the knee of my dear friend Lilith. Isn't it cool? I can't wait to see what it looks like when it's finished.
Australian Scarification
Posted by ilusi at 8:29 PM 0 comments
"Distinctive design conventions can be considered markers of social interaction so, in a way (they are) a cultural signature of sorts that archaeologists can use to understand ways people were interacting in the past," author Liam Brady of Monash University's Center for Australian Indigenous Studies, told Discovery News.
For the study, published in the latest issue of the journal Antiquity, Brady documented rock art drawings; images found on early turtle shell, stone and wood objects, such as bamboo tobacco pipes and drums; and images that were etched onto the human body through a process called scarification.
"In a way, a scarred design could be interpreted as a tattoo," Brady said. "It was definitely a distinctive form of body ornamentation and it was permanent since the design was cut into the skin."
"Evidence for scarification is primarily via (19th century) anthropologists -- mainly A.C. Haddon -- who took black and white photographs of some designs, as well as drawing others into his notebooks in the late 1800's," he added.

The triangular designs, on the other hand, were often scarred onto women's skin and likely indicated these individuals were in mourning.
I just love it when connections like these are made. And I'm especially pleased since these snake designs inspired my own spiral snake tattoo. (Which I can't post because the USB cord I use with my camera has quit on me.)
Dragon, Scorpion
Posted by ilusi at 11:36 AM 0 comments
These amazing brands come from some friends. Their tattoos and brandings are so cool and numerous I'm sure I'll be posting more.
My Dreamcatcher
Posted by ilusi at 10:39 AM 0 comments
This is my dreamcatcher. Notice the Celtic knot in the center. I know, I know. I hear the purists saying you can't mix cultures. But I chose it to honor my mothers side of the family: Irish and American Indian, Cherokee to be precise. This was done by Jake Dalton. Sorry the picture quality isn't so great, the tattoo is a good deal darker than the photo makes it look.
Posted by ilusi at 10:19 PM 0 comments
Fire Goddess
Posted by ilusi at 10:13 PM 0 comments
Moons, Pentagram
Posted by ilusi at 7:25 PM 0 comments
This tattoo comes from Cetta's Flickrstream It's a very fresh sparkly tattoo with some very nice lines. Gorgeous.
Posted by ilusi at 7:17 PM 0 comments

It's a shame the photo quality isn't a little better. But still, what a tattoo!! This gorgeous black and grey tattoo comes to us from LadyMockingbird's Flickrphotostream.
Updated 12/10/08: Thanks to Ailia for letting me in on a little secret. These ladies aren't a triple goddess representation. They are dryads from the above Boris Vallejo painting. Thanks again Ailia!
Floral Spiral
Posted by ilusi at 7:06 PM 0 commentsThis image comes from
Rigphoto's Flickrstream
I really like this spiral and it inspires me to have my next spiral tattoo (I have two) done in a similar floral pattern. Perhaps a vine. Anyway, lovely tattoo.
I really like this spiral and it inspires me to have my next spiral tattoo (I have two) done in a similar floral pattern. Perhaps a vine. Anyway, lovely tattoo.
Ancient Egypt
Posted by ilusi at 3:09 PM 0 commentsKemet, the name ancient Egyptians used to name their homeland, has a fascinating and complex history of tattoo. Our knowledge of ancient Egyptian tattoo comes to us from the Middle Kingdom, about 4000 years ago.
To the left is an image of the earthly remains of Amunet, an Egyptian woman who had been a priestess of Hathor and probably a special concubine to the Pharoah Mentuhotep. We know this because his name is written on her wrappings and she appears alongside other concubines in temple art. Of all the tombs in Metuhotep's complex hers was the only one not plundered by thieves. Notice the patterns on her abdomen; they are right where the belly expands during pregnancy.
The oldest known non-geometric tattoo pattern also comes to us from ancient Egypt. The mummies of two dancing girls found under the tomb of Hatshepsut have images of the the god Bes who, among other things, was a protector of children and women in labor. Interestingly, the Bes tattoos are on the upper thighs which obviously makes the images close to the newborn child.
To date, no Egyptian males have been found with tattoos. There are only female mummies with tattoos, which, along with the placement of the tattoos, leads many to believe they were therapeutic art concerned with pregnancy and childbirth. Strangely enough, there is ancient Egyptian art that clearly shows men with tattoos but, so far, no male Egyptian mummies have been found with ink of any kind.

To date, no Egyptian males have been found with tattoos. There are only female mummies with tattoos, which, along with the placement of the tattoos, leads many to believe they were therapeutic art concerned with pregnancy and childbirth. Strangely enough, there is ancient Egyptian art that clearly shows men with tattoos but, so far, no male Egyptian mummies have been found with ink of any kind.
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